Friday, January 31, 2014

5 on Friday!

This week seemed to fly by! Here are a few things I am loving these days..

1. Bath time...giggles and splashes galore!

2. Jumpy jumpy! We gave this bouncer a silly name over a year ago with little Lyric. Since he outgrew it, Jordan has generously lent it to us! Safe to say Harper is loving it!

3. This week I have been really good about working out. With that said...I also feel like all I have done is wear workout clothes. Gotta mix it up!

4. Printing Pics: This week I set up my new printer and started printing pictures like crazy. I am making a vow to myself to print off monthly pictures of Harper to put in her baby book. I'm hoping by doing it every month will make it easier in the long run.

5. Pilates: I tried Pilates this week (for the first time in a loooong time). Definitely kicked my butt! Looking forward to taking the class again :)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Five On Friday

1. Baby girl has started to love her tummy time. She is loving her Mama's and Papa's tummy time pillow. It is full of interactive activities for her. She loves the music and different textures!

 2. Last week, Jordan and I started a new routine of watching each others kiddo so the other one can go workout! We start our morning early, but Jordan and I are both done working out by 10 or 11. Works out perfectly because the kiddos get to hang out and mommas get to workout!

 (Lyric sharing/dropping his waffles with Harper)

3. For my birthday dinner, the girls and I went to Max's Wine Dive at the Quarry. If you haven't tried it yet you should! We ended up sharing fried chicken, 3 bottles of wine, and plenty of laughs!

Max's Wine Dive
4. Jordan and I were able to sneak away last Saturday to go see a movie. It was my choice since it was my birthday...I chose "Her" because it had such great ratings. Both Jordan and I were not be honest it was a little slow. But we still enjoyed ourselves....and our pitcher of sangria :)
5. Her smile...gets me everytime!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

4 Months

This week Harper turned 4 months. Unfortunately this means shots for sweet baby..but she took them like a champ! We are lucky to have such a sweet nurse at her doctors office. She is so quick and is able to make Harper smile the second it is over!

This month has been very busy for Harper. She welcomed her sweet nephew Cameron and celebrated Christmas with both families. For New Years this year we decided to stay in. Ryan wasn't feeling well so it was a perfect night to stay up late watching Sons of Anarchy on Netflix (if you haven't started this series you should! I am addicted!). We walked outside at midnight with our champagne and were able to hear the fireworks downtown.

This month Harper has rolled over 7 times from her belly to her back. I have also caught her rolling 2 times from her back to her belly. She is loving tummy time these days...thank god! She loves to sit on her forearms and look around for toys. Harper also loves anything in the air. Whether it be a mobile or a fan, she is interested! She has been much more interested in what Ryan and I are doing, especially what we are eating. Ryan does a great job of explaining what I am cooking to her. He explains the colors, smells, and tastes to her. Too cute! The doctor told us to go ahead and hold off on any rice cereal until her 6 month appointment. For now Harper will have to settle with the explanation of foods rather than tasting it!

Alert!! Baby is officially sleeping in her crib full time! Our monitor is so sensitive, I can usually hear her rolling around before she starts to cry. I decided to put her in her crib full time the day before new years and she transitioned quite well. She is getting so long these days that she kicks out of her swaddle.. so warm jammies are a must! Baby was sleeping through the night, but she is growing so we are back to getting up 1-2 times a night..not to worry the doc said it is temporary!

Harper has continued to be such a happy baby. She laughs and giggles often. She loves to play airplane with Ryan and she thinks it is hilarious when I sing! She also started to smile when I add her name to a song...I think she is starting to recognize her name. Harper is a very talkative baby. She loves to lay flat on her play mat and talk to her friends (the butterfly mobile).

Overall this has been a great month with a lot of great memories!

 Playing with kitchen tools while Momma does the dishes!

 Notice the Uggs! I like to put her in her carrier while I cook dinner. Fun bonding time!

Started to suck her thumb!

 Loves to cat nap on our bed.

So stylish thanks to Amanda and Lindsay!

 She thinks Dad is hilarious!

I'm telling ya the girl loves a fan!