Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Favorites!

Linking up to share my Friday Favorites!!

1. Water Baby: This little lady absolutely LOVES the water! 

2. Girls night: On Monday, the girls and I got together to have one last dinner before Miss Haven makes her debut! Cannot wait to meet her!

3. Story time: Lately Harper has loved going to the local library for story time! She sits in my lap and listens to the librarian sing songs and read books. After class, she likes to run around with her friends and then relax with a book!

4. Rain, rain go away!: Our swim lesson was cancelled the other day due to the thunder storms. Harp knows when we put on her swimsuit we are headed to swim lessons. I hated telling her it was cancelled :(
5. Potty Training: Harper has started showing signs of being ready to potty train. I snapped this picture the other day after her nap and it made me smile. She looks like a baby and a big girl at the same time! A friend told me to save this picture for the wedding rehearsal dinner :)