Over the past month we went to the beach, swam at the pool, had play dates with friends, met Daddy for lunches, had Harper's first birthday party,had her one year old photo shoot, had friends over for dinners, and lots of outside time!
I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed. It was such a blessing to watch Harper change and grow over the past year. She is a sweet little baby and her silly personality comes out more and more each day!
Harper has really started to jabber over the past month her main words are mama, dada (which she usually screeches with excitement) , fish, duu (for duck), baba, and thiiisss. This month Harper started to point at objects and say "thiiiiss?" It is so sweet to see her explore the world and ask questions about things around her. Harper continues to love being a helper. While I am cooking dinner you will find her "rearranging" the Tupperware drawer. She also loves to "fold" laundry...which usually results in her dragging clothes around the living room.
We went to Harper's one year check up and learned she is in the top 100% for height! No wonder she is hanging out of her carseat! We defiantly have a tall girl!
One year pics taken by Aunt Ashley!
First snow cone! We were the messiest people there!
The way she looks at him melts my heart...
too much cuteness for one photo!
She is NOT a sweets gal!
Classic baby with a beer pic! Had to be an uncle who put that there...
Surrounded by love!
Nudest grandparents ;)
Baby Liberty catching some rays!
Harpie loves her cousin!
We have had so much fun with you over the past year! You are such a sweet little girl who is always smiling. I know we are biased, but you are the worlds best baby! We have loved watching you grow and change. Each milestone has been celebrated in a big way! You bring so much joy to our family and we feel so blessed to be your parents!
Mommy and Daddy
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