I can NOT believe that Harper will be one in a month! It seems like these summer months have flown by!
Over the past month Harper has spent an evening with Daddy (while Momma got to go to Lady GaGa with the girls!). This month Ryan and I took a vacation to Cancun and Harper stayed with G-ma Wyatt. We had a great few days, but missed our baby like crazy! We came back to a happy, smiling baby! She was definitely loved and taken care of while we were away!
This month has been a busy one! We have had birthday parties, vacations, swim days, company parties, and a lot of playdates! Harper has learned how to clap (with sound!) and point! She loves to point out the window of her playroom at the dogs. She loves to blow raspberries at anyone who will giggle! She also has mastered "mama" and has said "dada" a few times.She still tries to say Harper, but ends up sounding like "hoppa". She loves to play peek-a-boo and to be tickled. She has taken a few steps, but is not walking yet. She is constantly standing and trying to climb up on furniture. Her crawl has gotten sooo fast. You cannot look away for a minute! Over the last month she got two top teeth, a total for 4. She still loves to eat and has put those new teeth to work! Daddy continues to make her eggs every morning for breakfast. It is a sweet time I treasure every day.
Overall, this month has been amazing. We enjoy her and her sweet personality everyday. We are looking forward to her pool themed birthday party!
Once a laundry basket...now her favorite "hiding" place.
I'm glad Harper has such a hands on auntie!
Play-date with Maycee!
Little lady is into everything!
Momma and Daddy in Mexico!
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