Friday, February 7, 2014

5 months

It's hard to believe Harper is 5 months! Time flies when you are having fun!

This month Harper continued to learn how to roll. She loves to rock side to side when she is laying flat on her play mat. She is also enjoying playing with her feet. They are currently her favorite toy :) (besides the remote!)

People have commented to me how strong her grip is! She loves to play with toys...anything with sound and texture!  She still loves to take naps snuggled in between pillows and we continue to swaddle her at night. Although, every morning she wakes up with her left arm in the air! Every morning we wake up to her sweet cues and giggles. Even when it's early- it's the sweetest sound!

Harper has become very interested in what Mom and Dad are doing, what we are eating, etc. Ryan continues to be an amazing Dad and always explains things to her. She thinks he is the funniest person ever. As soon as he walks near her she starts to giggle. She can tell he is about to do something silly! I continue to sing to her everyday..and she keeps laughing!
 Harper playing with her bestie, Maycee. Maycee was born one day after Harper--at the same hospital! They are destined to be friends!